Tank Talk
Your Hosts
John Hudson
John Hudson has hosted 74 episodes.
John Hudson began keeping glass boxes full of water in 1993 at the age of 19. A Silver Arowana in an aquarium in the back of Creatures and Critters in Woodbridge Va. started it all.
In 2011 John together with his wife Lisa started KGTropicals as African Cichlid breeders and retailers. In 2012 they started the KGTropicals YouTube channel and discovered their love of educating fish keepers. -
Jason Adams
Jason Adams has hosted 53 episodes.
Jason has been keeping fish for over 45 years. He has bred thousands of fish and has keep 100s of species during that time. He currently has a fish room with over 50 aquariums. He also has a business - Prime Time Aquatics, which is dedicated to freshwater fish education.
Jason has a Masters Degree in Biotechnology and Chemical Science, as well as, a Masters Cert in Aquaculture and Fish Health. He is an Associate Professor of Biology and Microbiology and has taught courses in Microbiology, Parasitology, Virology, Genetics, Biology Majors, Environmental Biology, Mammology, and General Zoology.
Jason enjoys bringing his science background into the aquarium hobby to give people a well-rounded freshwater fish education.
Lisa Hudson
Lisa Hudson has hosted 24 episodes.
Lisa Hudson was introduced to the amazing world of fish keeping on a trip to the fish store with her husband. There she saw Discus and Arowanas and was instantly hooked. Over the years she has become particularly passionate for Discus and Bettas, so much so that she and John developed and constructed a 300 fish Betta system to allow her to keep and sell these amazing little creatures.
Lisa is co owner of KGTropicals and keepfishkeeping.com with a specialty on Bettas, Plants and Snails.